Bagażnik na dwa rowery do Jeepa Avengera Thule

Kod: 9858801280
3 426.06 PLN 2 831.45 PLN bez VAT
5-10 dni

Thule Coach is the next generation of compact and lightweight bike carriers perfect for every day use (for 2 bikes).
1. Easy mounting of bikes through detachable bike arms
2. Carries bikes with large wheelbases thanks to single action extendable wheel holders
3. Easy boot access even with bikes mounted thanks to smart foot pedal tilt
4. Adjustable one hand coupling for easy mounting of carrier
5. Simple to fasten wheels thanks to long wheel straps with pump buckles
6. Simple to fold flat and store – fits most car boots
7. Lock your bikes to the bike carrier and your carrier to the tow bar (locks included)
8. Pre-assembled, no tools are required
9. City Crash test compliant, TÜV approved, and Euro BE type approved

Prior to purchase, we recommend the customer to verify availability of suitable trailer-hitch offers required for mounting on the particular vehicle.
The official vehicle registration documents are the exclusive source of the vehicle's payload capacity, i.e. the maximum vertical trailor hitch ball load capacity!
In addition, the payload capacity of the bike carrier needs to be applied!
Tailgate opening might be limited when installed.

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Bagażnik Thule na 2 rowery.

Dla pojazdów:
Jeep Avenger (2023-….)


Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Ładunek
Waga: 0.01 kg

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